Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Least of My Brothers

Who are we? I think its a great question to ask ourselves, especially when we look at those around us. I had a conversation with someone today about some stuff, and the topic of someone being better than someone else, or someone being too good for someone else came up. As a student at a Technical college, often looked down upon by society because we aren't as skilled in school as others, or because we are coming back to school for many reasons, I know what it feels like to be looked down upon, and in fact, I look down on others often. WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE? We are all sinners. That is a fact. None among us are free from sin. And yet we judge others, we look down on them because we think we are better than them? Sure, some people have killed, committed adultry, stolen, beaten, and hurt others, but who are we to judge them? We do the same things day in and day out with our actions and our words. We are all children of God, who are we to judge our brothers and sisters? Who am I to judge that guy or girl next to me because they look different, or because they act different, or because they have sinned? I AM A SINNER TOO. I have no place to judge others. In John, Christ was confronted with a question from the the Religious leaders of the time about the punishment of a woman who had been caught in the act of adultry. When asked about her punishment, Christ said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Who are we to judge others when we are in fact guilty of sin ourselves? How dare we cast out those who are different than us and deem them as "less". We were commanded to love others as ourselves. Not to love those in our same societal standing as us, not to love those with wealth, or fancy cars, but to love ALL, especially those less fortunate than ourselves. In Matthew 25, Christ said 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' We are called to do for others as we do for ourselves, and im guessing its the same with you, 90% of the time, we will do whatever we can for ourselves. Think about how incredible the world could be, how amazing life change and transformation will be, how awesome people coming to know Christ by the masses will be if we can put the least among us ahead of ourselves, and to put the gospel ahead of ourselves, and use every breath to share the word of God as we are called to do.


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