Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Legacy, what will we be remembered by?

This week, a good friend of mine wrote about our Legacy, what we leave behind. "I guess what im trying to say most of all is that we impact people so much more than we even realize.” That’s about as real as it gets. No matter what you do, someone notices. Even as young people, people notice us. Even as a failed student, who ran away from his troubles in search of the truth, even as a failure at being a Christian, some one notices. People watch. And its up to us to make sure that what people notice is really what were all about. This summer, at The Great Escape camp in Western NC, the speaker Jeffrey Dean spoke about being wild for Christ, and living every minute of our day for him. During one of the night sessions, Jeffrey said something that really hit me deep “‎"The greatest act of selfishness is choosing not to share the love of Christ with our world"

I think that so often, we are so focused on our own relationships, our own well being, and our own faith, that we forget what Jesus came to do. He came to share the truth, the truth that our God is almighty, that our God is strong, that our God is the greatest, and that with him we can do anything. And then, because we were so blind and foolish, because we couldn’t grasp the truth, Christ gave his life for us, so that no matter what we do, no matter how many times we fail, if all we do is believe, we are saved. Its beyond amazing. So why don’t we share him? Fear? Lack of faith? Foolishness? We are called to give everything we have to him. That includes the relationships we have with other people. No longer can we just go about our daily lives, giving Christ our spare time, or our leftovers. Its time I game him my all, its time I woke up every morning, and said today is Christ’s day, I will live every minute for him, and everything I do will be in honor of him and for his glory. Its time I stopped going to work, and putting on “work Matt”, its time I used my work to glorify him, no matter who I work with or what they believe. No longer can I go to work, and curse, put people down, and defy everything that I believe. Its time that I stepped up and actually used what I believe, used the strength and determination that God has given me to hopefully have a positive impact on life. Its time I looked to the future, and made up my mind about my legacy.

Today i'm thankful for quite a few things. Tomorrow, im going to see State kick some Cincinnati butt, and have a great time with some of my brothers in Christ. But what i'm most thankful for is the last 4 months of my life, and that someone who made them special. I love you.

In him,


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