Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Live life to the fullest, live wildly for Christ.

A few years ago, I did a book study with my bible study on a book called "Wild at Heart". I enjoyed it, but up until a few months ago, I had no idea what it actually meant. This summer I was a counselor for Grace Community Church at The Great Escape in Cullowhee, NC at Western Carolina University. The theme for the year was all about being WILD for Christ, and living wildly for him. I am a wild person. I am ridiculous, and its never ending. But what I'm now coming to realize is, that all of my wild ambitions, my crazed thoughts and spastic actions can be used to glorify my God. Pretty awesome, in my opinion. But whats even more awesome, is Jesus. He was a wild dude. He literally was all about turning the tables on everything that was normal., and showing everyone how to live without shame for God. He ate with sinners, he ministered to a Samaritan woman, and he turned water into wine! He was a wild guy, and through all of his time spent on earth, he didn't sin once. And yet its pretty clear, up until he gave his life for our sins, he was having a pretty good time! And he gave up all of his parties, his popularity, and all of his fame to be hung on a cross, ridiculed, and murdered. For me. He was mocked publicly, beaten literally within an inch of his life, forced to carry a massive cross up a mountain, then nailed to it. All for me, and the sinful life I live. For us.
Lately, I've been jamming to my new favorite song, its called "Make a Joyful Noise/I will Not Be Silent. I absolutely love the song. Its all about being loud, not being silent, and showing the world what you believe, and how incredibly awesome our God is. I love just blaring the chorus "I will not be silent, no, I will not be quiet any more" Its a call to live loud, and how how awesome our God is.
A few minutes ago, I saw quote on facebook posted by one of my good friends, and it blew me away. It turns out it was from a song. Its by a group called "Talmidim(The Servants" and its called today. And the lyrics are unbelievably incredible. This is what was said:"And through all of this there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, no fear, no insecurity, no doubt, no hesitation that will ever, EVER stop us, because we are the sons of the LIVING GOD, because we are the children of the ALMIGHTY, because we are the residents of the kingdom of Heaven, and we are soldiers in an army of the IMMORTAL."
It is incredible. Its never been more clear.: Live life to the fullest, and with everything that you do, live wildly for Christ, and with every breath you breath, praise him. AMEN.

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