Sunday, October 3, 2010

Humpty Dumpty

Everyone knows the story of Humpty Dumpty: "All the kings horses, and all the kings men, couldnt put Humpty back together again" This morning, as Sass talked about being weak, and how Christs redeeming love and grace gave us the strength to get through anything, he used the word Broken, and there, at that small word, the truth hit me. Things that are broken may be able to be fixed to some point, but nothing will ever be perfect. When I hear the word broken, I think of plates, glasses, cars, and other things that are broken, shattered, and wrecked. Then I think of the ultimate truth. Christ was literally broken. He was whipped, beaten, and mutilated; forced to break his own body even more as he carried a massive cross up a mountain; then broken yet again as he was killed by having his hands, feet, and side pierced as he was stabbed and nailed to a cross. The ultimate sacrifice, who then three days later, ROSE FROM THE DEAD, where he was put back together to testify to the grace and mercy of God. Then I think of us. We are all broken, and through Christs redeeming love we will be made whole again. Christ asks for us to give ourselves, and he will save us from eternal hell. He will save us from suffering beyond our greatest imaginations and fears, and he will give us eternal life, to live in the fullness and grace of our God. Humpty Dumpty was just a children's rhyme. This is the real deal. Christ loves us. He will turn us from being broken to being whole again. Thats the real story, not some children's rhyme.

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