Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Like Precious Metals

Tonight, I once again discovered the reason for why I love to do youth ministry. I lead a 8th grade guys bible study, and it started out the usual way, with them acting like complete 8th grade guys, and me trying, but failing to get them to calm down, and to focus on the subject that I had prepared: evangelism. But in the midst of all of the mayhem, and all of the ensuing ruckus, someone brought up one of the most incredible things I have ever heard. He said that he had heard someone tell him once, that we, as Christians are like precious metals, gold, and silver. As some may know, in the process of making jewelry, the metal is melted down to eliminate the flaws, and to make it pure. And here in the midst of the farts, the ridiculous jokes and maniacal laughing, some one compared our faith to precious metals. It took everything I had to not break down crying on the way home, as I thought about what it really meant.
With our faith comes forgiveness, love and abundant grace. We are like precious metals, and Christ melts us down, and FORGIVES and REMOVES all of our mess, our flaws, discrepancies, lies, sins, and mistakes, and replaces them with his ABUNDANT GRACE, as we are made completely PURE in God our father. I am literally in awe. I have never been more sure about my future, tonight, my heart was melted once again. The beginning of the night we talked about evangelism, and in the end of the night, it was he who preached the gospel to me.

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