Thursday, January 12, 2012

Grace like Rain.

So over the past few blogs, I’ve realized how blessed I am. How much at fault we are, how much grace we need.

Last night, during youth group, Sass talked about Choices, and the choices we make, and how we are new creations, and need to let go of our old selves, and be free to make new choices. In the crowd, there were leaders, there were volunteers, there were students, and there were even students who had come from the funeral of a friend a few hours before. There were broken people. There were people in need of Grace. A few minutes into his talk, I could hear the rain POURING on the roof.

With all of the stuff that has happened this past week, with all of the heartache, and the darkness that has set over this area, the rain was a relief, the rain was needed. As I heard the roar of the rain, all I could think about were the lyrics from the Todd Agnew song “Grace like Rain”.

“And hallelujah,Grace Like Rain falls down on me,
And hallelujah, And all my stains are washed away -
They're washed away...”

When heartache comes, when darkness falls, when hope seems lost, when it gets to the point that we can no longer see through the stains that cloud our vision, the stains that bring us guilt, the stains that hold us down, Grace like Rain comes, and washes us clean.

Think about rain. Usually, when it rains, it’s a crappy day, its sometimes colder out, its dark, its muggy, its gloomy, but after the rain comes, its clean, its bright, its beautiful. Grace like rain washes away the crap, all the brokenness, all the pain, and shows the beauty beneath.

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