Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Least of My Brothers

Who are we? I think its a great question to ask ourselves, especially when we look at those around us. I had a conversation with someone today about some stuff, and the topic of someone being better than someone else, or someone being too good for someone else came up. As a student at a Technical college, often looked down upon by society because we aren't as skilled in school as others, or because we are coming back to school for many reasons, I know what it feels like to be looked down upon, and in fact, I look down on others often. WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE? We are all sinners. That is a fact. None among us are free from sin. And yet we judge others, we look down on them because we think we are better than them? Sure, some people have killed, committed adultry, stolen, beaten, and hurt others, but who are we to judge them? We do the same things day in and day out with our actions and our words. We are all children of God, who are we to judge our brothers and sisters? Who am I to judge that guy or girl next to me because they look different, or because they act different, or because they have sinned? I AM A SINNER TOO. I have no place to judge others. In John, Christ was confronted with a question from the the Religious leaders of the time about the punishment of a woman who had been caught in the act of adultry. When asked about her punishment, Christ said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Who are we to judge others when we are in fact guilty of sin ourselves? How dare we cast out those who are different than us and deem them as "less". We were commanded to love others as ourselves. Not to love those in our same societal standing as us, not to love those with wealth, or fancy cars, but to love ALL, especially those less fortunate than ourselves. In Matthew 25, Christ said 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' We are called to do for others as we do for ourselves, and im guessing its the same with you, 90% of the time, we will do whatever we can for ourselves. Think about how incredible the world could be, how amazing life change and transformation will be, how awesome people coming to know Christ by the masses will be if we can put the least among us ahead of ourselves, and to put the gospel ahead of ourselves, and use every breath to share the word of God as we are called to do.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Reversal

Last Sunday at Youth Group, we continued our series on Be Different, this week focusing on Acting Different. I talked some about the conversion in Saul, also known as Paul, and how much of an impact it had on those around him, when this guy, a known Christian killer, began to spread the word of God to everyone around him. Now that I think about it, i'm kind of like Saul/Paul myself. If you really think about it, sin, especially blatant sin mocks Christianity, and when I think about how much I sin, its not a pretty sight. Then it hit me. How moving and powerful would it be, if I, a sinner, began to use every second of my life, everything I say, and everything I do to glorify Christ? It would be a major turn around. How would others perceive it, specifically those I tend to be the most flawed around? Would my actions prompt me to avoid situations where I know i'm more likely to sin? Or would I continue to put myself in those situations and hope to make a change in people there? I think specifically about where I work. I have nothing against the people I work with, most of them are good people, but none of them are Christians, and many mock religion openly. And yet Ive never said a word of it. Fear, I guess has kept me from speaking up, but lately, I've tried not to curse, tried not to become angry, or aggravated with people, and I've started to see a change in myself, and I hope that first through my actions, then through my words, other people will see a change and begin to be changed as well. I realize consciously that change is good, a life with less sin isn't just what were called to do, its a blessing to do. Today I hope to do the same, and everyday, everywhere I hope to do the same. That one simple thing, do as Christ did, nothing less. Its time for a reversal; Its time I actually used every interaction in my life to change someone else's, not to make myself feel better, but to glorify the God that has changed my life, who is changing my life. Its time for change.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Legacy, what will we be remembered by?

This week, a good friend of mine wrote about our Legacy, what we leave behind. "I guess what im trying to say most of all is that we impact people so much more than we even realize.” That’s about as real as it gets. No matter what you do, someone notices. Even as young people, people notice us. Even as a failed student, who ran away from his troubles in search of the truth, even as a failure at being a Christian, some one notices. People watch. And its up to us to make sure that what people notice is really what were all about. This summer, at The Great Escape camp in Western NC, the speaker Jeffrey Dean spoke about being wild for Christ, and living every minute of our day for him. During one of the night sessions, Jeffrey said something that really hit me deep “‎"The greatest act of selfishness is choosing not to share the love of Christ with our world"

I think that so often, we are so focused on our own relationships, our own well being, and our own faith, that we forget what Jesus came to do. He came to share the truth, the truth that our God is almighty, that our God is strong, that our God is the greatest, and that with him we can do anything. And then, because we were so blind and foolish, because we couldn’t grasp the truth, Christ gave his life for us, so that no matter what we do, no matter how many times we fail, if all we do is believe, we are saved. Its beyond amazing. So why don’t we share him? Fear? Lack of faith? Foolishness? We are called to give everything we have to him. That includes the relationships we have with other people. No longer can we just go about our daily lives, giving Christ our spare time, or our leftovers. Its time I game him my all, its time I woke up every morning, and said today is Christ’s day, I will live every minute for him, and everything I do will be in honor of him and for his glory. Its time I stopped going to work, and putting on “work Matt”, its time I used my work to glorify him, no matter who I work with or what they believe. No longer can I go to work, and curse, put people down, and defy everything that I believe. Its time that I stepped up and actually used what I believe, used the strength and determination that God has given me to hopefully have a positive impact on life. Its time I looked to the future, and made up my mind about my legacy.

Today i'm thankful for quite a few things. Tomorrow, im going to see State kick some Cincinnati butt, and have a great time with some of my brothers in Christ. But what i'm most thankful for is the last 4 months of my life, and that someone who made them special. I love you.

In him,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Live life to the fullest, live wildly for Christ.

A few years ago, I did a book study with my bible study on a book called "Wild at Heart". I enjoyed it, but up until a few months ago, I had no idea what it actually meant. This summer I was a counselor for Grace Community Church at The Great Escape in Cullowhee, NC at Western Carolina University. The theme for the year was all about being WILD for Christ, and living wildly for him. I am a wild person. I am ridiculous, and its never ending. But what I'm now coming to realize is, that all of my wild ambitions, my crazed thoughts and spastic actions can be used to glorify my God. Pretty awesome, in my opinion. But whats even more awesome, is Jesus. He was a wild dude. He literally was all about turning the tables on everything that was normal., and showing everyone how to live without shame for God. He ate with sinners, he ministered to a Samaritan woman, and he turned water into wine! He was a wild guy, and through all of his time spent on earth, he didn't sin once. And yet its pretty clear, up until he gave his life for our sins, he was having a pretty good time! And he gave up all of his parties, his popularity, and all of his fame to be hung on a cross, ridiculed, and murdered. For me. He was mocked publicly, beaten literally within an inch of his life, forced to carry a massive cross up a mountain, then nailed to it. All for me, and the sinful life I live. For us.
Lately, I've been jamming to my new favorite song, its called "Make a Joyful Noise/I will Not Be Silent. I absolutely love the song. Its all about being loud, not being silent, and showing the world what you believe, and how incredibly awesome our God is. I love just blaring the chorus "I will not be silent, no, I will not be quiet any more" Its a call to live loud, and how how awesome our God is.
A few minutes ago, I saw quote on facebook posted by one of my good friends, and it blew me away. It turns out it was from a song. Its by a group called "Talmidim(The Servants" and its called today. And the lyrics are unbelievably incredible. This is what was said:"And through all of this there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, no fear, no insecurity, no doubt, no hesitation that will ever, EVER stop us, because we are the sons of the LIVING GOD, because we are the children of the ALMIGHTY, because we are the residents of the kingdom of Heaven, and we are soldiers in an army of the IMMORTAL."
It is incredible. Its never been more clear.: Live life to the fullest, and with everything that you do, live wildly for Christ, and with every breath you breath, praise him. AMEN.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Be Different: Think Different

Today at youth group we started a new series called "Be Different", and the first week was all about Thinking Different. Oddly enough, as I sit back now and think about it, and how it went, I cant help to think about Sarah Prince, and the courage and strength that she continues to show day after day in South Africa to her friends, regardless of what they are going through. Today, I sat down and read her post (http://caseyandsarahafrica.blogspot.com/) about her friends Antoine and Mathy and Auntie Katie, and for the first time in a long time, I began to cry. How can people with such faith and such determination go through such struggle? It really began to put things in my life into perspective, and how unbelievably blessed I am. But what really got me is the amazing truth that Sarah was able to find in her friends struggles: God is always there. She talked about how God allows things to happen to people because he knows they can handle it.
I did a devotion while in South Africa about seeing the writing on the walls, and really needing God to put it out there, clearly for me to see. Today thats what happened. Ive been to focused on me lately to even take a step back and see Gods beauty. But today, that changed. Sara's thoughts really spoke to me, and assured me that no matter what struggles we go through, no matter how much we doubt, no matter how much we struggle, Christ is always there waiting with arms wide open, waiting for us to come to him.
Im really excited to see what comes about in the next few weeks, specifically with youth group. We will be getting into the topics of Acting Different, Speaking Different, and Loving Different. One of the things I love about doing youth ministry is that no matter how much I try to teach, I always end up learning more! This week was no different. Its time for me to really think different, about my life, my future and my faith. Ill end with my favorite passage in the Bible, one that really helps calm my fears.

2nd Corinthians 4:16
"Therefore we do not loose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day after day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. "


The Beginning: Are We Really Who We Say We Are?

Life. It's wild, if you really think about it. It seems like such a blur, its always moving around us, and sometime it seems surreal. But when you really think about it, its pretty basic. We were created to live our lives to the fullest, using everything we say, everything we do, and everything we think to glorify God. And yet somehow, we cant seem to grasp, cant seem to master the basics. A few months ago I spoke at Grace's High School youth group about my travels to South Africa, and the fears and challenges that I faced. I left everyone with a challenge: "If being a Christian was deemed illegal, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Lately, I have been far from guilty. I've always felt like I've been shaky in my faith, like maybe I haven't really been getting it. But then I realized it. I do know what being a Christian is all about. I know that Christ died for me, and for my faults, my flaws and my never ending sin, and that he calls me to live my life as close as humanly possible to the way that he did. And yet I continue to live the majority of my life in many ways that would shame this faith that I claim to have. So why is this? Unfortunately, I don't know. Maybe I'm scared, scared to give my all, scared to put my trust in something that I cant see. But I know God's there. I know that no matter what I do, and no matter how many times I go against the truth that Christs love will always prevail, and that I can turn to him at any time.
So I guess its time to make a decision. I will live my life for him. Thats it, plain and simple. I will go to bed every night, and say a prayer, thanking the God who gave his son for me, thanking him for the incredible home that I live in again; thanking him for the incredible brothers that I lived with and bonded with for a year, and for all of the love and compassion and incredible joy that they have given me; thanking him for amazing leaders, leaders who gave their all to show me the joy that they found in the Father, and leaders who led me to find my savior that I once again want to find; thanking him for an amazing 2 months in the prettiest place on the planet, South Africa, and all of the friends I found, and for the incredible experience that I had. And I will thank him for the relationship that I'm in now, the one I've been in for almost 4 months. I have the most incredible girlfriend in the world, and am often without words to describe how thankful I am for her, her beauty and her love. Day after day she shows me how to live my life, and I am thankful for her the most. I love her with everything that I am.
So I guess my question for you is are you who you say you are? Or are you like me, struggling to find that life line that we know is there. If you are, I hope that you will join me, maybe for your first time, or maybe its time for you to recommit like me. Either way, the incredible news is Christ is there, ready to love us, and ready for us to come to him. So its time for us to go.