Tuesday, March 20, 2012

for his glory alone.

This weekend, I’m speaking at Middle Youth Group on the story of the man born blind. In the passage from John 9, some of Christ’s disciples ask Christ if someone had sinned for the man to have been born blind. Christ replies with this:

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

It is often hard to understand seeing glory, and seeing God in the midst of sad, or dark situations. Last Sunday night, one of my friends lost his father to an unexpected heart attack. Ben Taylor, the son of the man who passed was a member of the band at one of our retreats a few months ago. Though I do not know him as well as I would like, I have been amazed at his faith, his perseverance, and his steadfast devotion to the Lord in the midst of such a hard situation. He has tweeted, facebooked, and written verses of encouragement, verses of his devotion, and has shown that in the midst of trials, in the midst of death, sadness, and despair, that his allegiance lies in the Lord, and in him alone, and that through this situation, he sees and trusts that the works of God are being displayed, and that they are part of the plan. It is so encouraging to see someone with such love for Christ, that in the midst of one of the hardest situations I can imagine, he still gives God the glory, and still trusts in him for his hope, and for his strength.

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