Sunday, March 4, 2012


Definition: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery.

This past week, I went to see the new live action Navy Seal movie Act of Valor. The movie is a near accurate depiction featuring actual Navy Seals on missions to defend our country from both foreign and domestic threats. I went into the movie expecting my mind to be blown, to be amazed, to be shocked by the action. I was. What I didn’t expect though, is to be moved, and to be touched by the movie. I left, as I usually do after an action movie expecting someone to try to kill me as I walked to my car and for my life to suddenly change, and for me to be some sick nasty Navy Seal shooting a M-4 or 50-cal.  It didn’t. Instead, I left in near tears, as I saw the funeral of a Seal who intentionally died to protect his fellow soldiers. I left feeling indebted to those who go “downrange” daily, risking their lives to defend the country in which I live, and the people I live life with. I left feeling more proud than I ever have of the country in which I live.

Our country is flawed. Every country is flawed, because people are flawed. Democrats, republicans, independents, liberals, radicals, all of them are flawed. But, what they share is an allegiance to the flag of the country that has men fighting daily to protect it. Regardless of your political, religious, and other affiliations, we are all part of a country that men and women have died to make and keep free. My hope is that one day, it will truly be free, that we will get over our differences, and our disagreements, and that people will no longer live apart, but live as one. My hope is that all people, will be proud of the country in which they live.

My best friend is a man of Valor. My best friend is currently serving on the USS Abraham Lincoln, stationed somewhere halfway across the world defending freedom. As I set here and write this, he is currently working, doing things you and I will never have the courage to do, doing things you and I may never actually know have been done. He is working to protect you and me, and for this I am eternally grateful. Cameron Waardenburg is one of the greatest men I have ever met, one of the greatest men I have ever been able to live life with, and I am more than privileged to sit here today writing this, as he is half a world away defending me. And for that, I am forever grateful.




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