Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Funeral.

I like making sounds. I'm not sure if I've ever said that before. Well, maybe it's more that I like to make noise, but who cares. I'm not the most musically talented, so via a big board with lots of buttons, knobs, and sliders on it, I bring their musical talents to life, and amplify them until peoples heads hurt. I do this for the church I work for, and because I work for the church, and because I make sounds, I'm occasionally asked to work different events. Earlier this week, I was asked to work another funeral, something that I've done quite a few times over the past few years, since I made my noise making quest somewhat professional.

I don't want to sound insensitive, but with the exception of one of the funerals I've worked, I haven't enjoyed a single one of them. Obviously, if I'm working, it's not the best of situations, and they haven't exactly planned them for my enjoyment, but regardless, I've seen funerals that were just sad. And it's a tad bit depressing. Now, if I've already offended you with my seemingly senseless babbling, please continue reading, so I can attempt to make myself look like less of an idiot. 

I'm one of those people who believes, truly believes, that in Christ, life can be lived to the fullest. I'm not saying that if you believe, all your hopes and dreams will come true, you'll be rich, and have a perfect family, a perfect job, and vacation in your dream spot, but what I am saying, is that through faith, your planned ahead path, the one that God created for you will be revealed to you, and when you live out that plan, when you follow that path, when you daily encounter Christ, life will be lived to the fullest. So, when I look back at life, I want to CELEBRATE the joys of that fulfilled life. I don't want my funeral to be this sad, dark, dreary thing, I want it to be an occasion. A party. No wake. No visitation. No funeral. I want my friends, my family, my students, shoot, anyone to come together, to fellowship and to tell stories about me. Stories about when I was an idiot, stories about things that I accomplished, funny stories about me, any story. I want to, in death, to be the vessel that brings people together to eat, to drink, and to fellowship in Christ, and of course to celebrate me a tad bit too. So, for all to see, this is how I want my funeral to go:

1. Chick-fil-a will be served. That is a must. If for some reason, they have gone out of business, just skip the whole thing. Seriously. And, if anyone suggests PDQ as an alternative, take them off of the invite list. 

2. I don't want anything short. It needs to be a good 3 hour event. With good food, good drinks, and merriment. 

3. I seriously wouldn't mind a nice touching video. But no sappy music. Please. For the love of all that is good. Good Music. 

4. There needs to be worship. In Christ Alone, done the same way it was at Passion 2013 needs to be included in the set. The worship set needs like 6 songs. I'd be ok with more. 

5. Sure, you can dress up, but nothing sad. Bow ties instead of regular ties. Please. 

As ridiculous as those requests seem, I'm pretty serious about them all. I want my funeral to be something I wish I was at. I want it to be a time, to come together, to worship, to laugh, to cry, to eat LOTS of Chick-Fil-A, and to celebrate a God who has provided a good life, who has provided an everlasting life. I want it to be a moment that people are excited for, because it's a time to come together and fellowship. (that's not an invitation to look forward to it thought). 

So, someone, please make this happen for me. Celebrate, laugh, love, live. That's what I want. 

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