Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Story

This past weekend, I was privileged enough to be able to tell my story in front of all of our youth on Fall Retreat. It was an honor to be able to tell the story of how my life has been shaped, molded, and formed into what it is today. We stressed the importance of what our stories are, how they fit into the overall story of God, and how they help shape the stories of others.

Last night, I was catching up on some reading that I’ve had stacked up, and came across the following in the book written by Donald Miller; A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: “If I have a hope, its that God sat over a dark nothing and wrote you and me, specifically, into the story, and put us in with the sunset and the rainstorm as though to say Enjoy your place in my story. The beauty of it means you matter, and you can create within it even as I have created you.”

Tonight, I was also lucky enough to be a guest at the annual Eastern FCA Fundraiser Banquet. An old MLB player spoke about his story, and how God used the Good, Bad, and Ugly to shape and mold him into who he is today, and to show him that only he (God) stays constant in our stories.

Though I’ve had a pretty strong feeling that I will have something to do with Youth Ministry, either in the form of work or volunteering or something of the sort, there has always been a small doubt, because its hard to really know. This weekend, combined with the past few days, has completely opened my eyes. After I spoke this weekend, Sass came up to me and told me that he and I needed to talk, and that I was a Youth Pastor. Seeing as he called Casey Prince’s future pretty accurately, including wife and career, I’m somewhat inclined to believe him. But people can tell you anything. Even people who are very believable, people who are very persuasive, or influential, you cant always trust. But tonight, sitting here typing this, and thinking about my story, and how God has lined up a billion different moments to get me to this point, and has lined up billions of different moments to get other people places, I have absolutely no doubts that that is what I’m supposed to do. Granted, I still have a lot of work to actually get there, but I’m so comforted to know that I know where my life is going. and its not because of me. its because of how my story just fits in to a bigger story. I’m trying to say I LOVE MY LIFE. I LOVE how he has created it. I’m so thankful for it.

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